A Calling Greater Than Yourself

“It is time for new dialog and discussion in America about binding principles. It is time to restate what it is that we believe about America that relates to each one of us. It is time to debate priorities implemented through limited resources. It is time to think not just of ourselves, but of each other, and most importantly, the next generation.”

Upon attaining victory in the Revolutionary War, and therefore independence from Great Britain, an infant nation turned to George Washington for leadership. All the world had known about government up to that time was government by kings, pharaohs, chieftains, czars, emperors, and dictators. From this mindset, the people offered General Washington the title of king. Surely he would be benevolent. George Washington, in a capacity of greater wisdom, but more importantly, in answering a greater call, declined the title.  He did not accept the conventional wisdom. He did stand unopposed as the first President of the United States. However, he made this choice to establish democratic elections in which the President and all elected officials remained accountable to the voters. He set the standard for humility. The question now is – will the voters remain accountable to themselves?

We find ourselves in incredible times. I do not need to elaborate on the problems facing the world today. We know them all too well. What I do find absolutely disconcerting is that the current system of government services, both here in the USA and worldwide, is unsustainable. We all know this, too. It is undisputed by academics, economists, and business leaders on the right or left. There is, of course, a difference of opinion on what to do about it. Yet not one leader provides a vision that is inclusive of all Americans. Instead they appeal to each special interest group’s insecurities.

We talk about the need for more money to alleviate poverty and we ignore the right for a family to own or operate a small business. We reject the idea of moral absolutes and ridicule moral guidelines that have stood the test of time. We embrace opulence in entertainment while we decry business profits. We believe that we are superior in intellect to our ancestors while we ridicule faith.

A vision for America must include a definition that gives hope to all Americans. That through process and protocol, citizens’ participation will yield the designed purpose of pursuit of happiness as determined by their individual liberty. Sacrifice by citizens is at times necessary for the greater goal of prosperity. It should, however, be joint sacrifice. No single group of individuals should be restrained or unduly burdened for the sole benefit of another group. Sacrifice should be equal and to the benefit of all special interests.

It is time for new dialog and discussion in America about binding principles. It is time to restate what it is that we believe about America that relates to each one of us. It is time to debate priorities implemented through limited resources. It is time to think not just of ourselves, but of each other, and most importantly, the next generation.

Fine, you say. Who could object to such lofty ideals?  Seeking binding principles wherein joint sacrifice leads to greater prosperity for all is not beyond the hope of reality. This very discussion was held in 1787 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. George Washington chaired the debate. James Madison called for joint sacrifice. And Benjamin Franklin called for vision. The delegates drafted the Constitution of the United States of America. They established order and protocol for the ages, and set into place the process by which the great melting pot of the United States of America rendered liberty for all. And, in so doing, became the example of the world.

Many today argue that what was achieved in 1787 was not that special, that the debate then is not applicable to today. I submit to you that it is not only applicable, it is governing. What was achieved in the passage of the Constitution was not only exceptional, it was a miracle. Never before had an entity with power (a sovereign colony) given up power for the greater good so that, in that greater good, they would achieve more prosperity. Never underestimate the opportunity provided by the revolutionary idea that birth is not destiny. It hasn’t always worked perfectly for all races and cultures throughout our history, but this idea has been a great reflection of the dignity of man.

The presidential cycle of 2016 is in full force and effect. Secretary Hillary Clinton is running against 24 potential Republican candidates and treating them as one entity. Her staff takes any point made by any one of the Republicans as if it were made by each of them. On the other hand, all Republican challengers are running against Secretary Clinton. She has the advantage of defending or deflecting all criticisms. The response to the criticism is totally under her control. The debate to this point has been about particular issues that impact particular segments of society without any consideration for an overall vision of how to incorporate ideas that benefit all. No one is offering solutions to address the unsustainability of current government services. Not only is the federal government on a trajectory of failed services, each and every state faces similar challenges based upon their individual circumstances. Real solutions tied to real expectations developed from binding principles and implemented through priorities by consensus is required. Will voters hold the candidates accountable? George Washington was a leader for the ages. Where is the leadership today that embraces his moral imperative?

If in fact life is the result of accidental coincidence, rendered from a cold dark universe, and gravity is the great uncaused cause, then there is no ultimate purpose to life. If there is no purpose to life, there is no need for a calling greater than oneself. If there is no need for a greater calling, liberty is a transient term.

I believe that there is a Creator. I believe that we were endowed by that Creator with certain unalienable rights. I believe that we are to respect one another in protection of those rights. I believe that there is purpose in life and that each person has a special purpose. I believe that it is possible for each of us to pursue that purpose for a greater good. I believe that liberty is eternal. To defend liberty, I believe it is incumbent upon each of us to commit to a calling greater than ourselves.

My name is Marc Nuttle and this is what I believe.

What do you believe?