New Horizon Council

“To advance as a society together, each of us has to determine first what are the foundational principles upon which we believe that our society should be based.”

At the Constitutional Convention that established the Constitution of United States of America in 1787 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the President’s presiding chair at the convention depicted the half-sun image as seen in the above graphic. It is a famous artifact known as the Rising Sun Armchair.  However, during the heated debates about what principles the former colonies would agree to that unified them into a United States, Benjamin Franklin contemplated whether this image was a rising or a setting sun. The passage of the constitution, as the delegates’ achievement, gave the hope that it was a rising sun on a new country, and therefore, a rising hope for all mankind.

The debate then, as is the debate today –  how do we advance together as a society, committing ourselves to binding principles, rather than pulling against each other through the forces of individual special interests that divide us?

In the late 18th century, the differences of the states facing the country were more economic than social. The principles of the Founding Fathers in fact reflected the theology, the morals, the ideology, and the hopes of society in general. Then they were united in their commitment to establish rights for states, and therefore their citizens, in reference to a dominant and controlling monarchy. They were also determined to establish individual rights in the context of a new government. The Bill of Rights embodied their most precious concerns of freedom. The first amendment addressed freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of assembly, and “that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Today, our differences may be more social than economic. But the protocol to advance together as a society requires, at its core, respect for principles in which we can all participate equally. As we begin the process of electing the next President of the United States, it is critical that we demand of each candidate his or her stand on basic principles that unite us. This country needs leadership, now more than ever, to provide vision and direction for the diverse populace of our great nation.

We find ourselves at the beginning of a presidential discussion, not yet a debate, on what we want for our country’s future. I suggested in a previous report that Secretary Hillary Clinton’s strategy would be to announce without specifics and seek to become the champion of the status quo and of the current entitlement system. She stands alone without criticism for her party’s nomination. So far to date, she has followed this script precisely as I expected.

The Republican presidential challengers find themselves now in a quandary. The competition for the Republican nomination is intense. In an attempt to carve out significant segments of the Republican base, candidates are positioning themselves to alienate the 49% of the American public that relies upon an entitlement program from the federal government in some form or effect. Secretary Clinton simply has to sit back and allow the Republicans to drive 49% of the vote to her theme of leadership, which is to maintain the status quo.

My question for Hillary Clinton is not centered on the tragedy in Benghazi, the email breach of protocol, or even the overseas donations to the Clinton Foundation. These circumstances certainly indicate a lack of respect for the rules. If you do not respect rules, then you cannot respect principles. If you do not respect principles, then you cannot respect the liberty of others. Hillary Rodham Clinton has demonstrated that she does not believe the rules apply to her, that the end justifies the means, regardless of the circumstances or consequences of achieving the end. The question for Secretary Clinton is — what principle or principles does she believe in that includes each and every one of us? What definition of freedom does she believe in that allows each of us to pursue happiness as God intends for us in our individual purposes?

Thomas Jefferson may have been a diest, but he penned these words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The definition of happiness lies in the heart of the beholder. What is universal is the freedom as a principle to pursue happiness. No person should be restricted in their expression of faith, and no person should be restrained from achieving valid objectives.

Society today seeks answers and solutions for our needs and, at the same time our needs are met, provide solutions that reconcile conflict. We hear a call for principles and then solutions. I would submit to you that principles are the solution.

To advance as a society together, each of us has to determine first what are the foundational principles upon which we believe that our society should be based. In the next election cycle, and in every election cycle thereafter, we should demand from our candidates, Democrat and Republican, that they tell us what principles they believe in that are the foundation for all policy which they intend to implement.

At the New Horizon Council (, it is our intention to stimulate debate on principles that unite us, and then discuss policy to advance society based upon principles that we accept and respect for each other.

Whether the issue is states’ rights or federal policy, immigration or job protection, primary education or higher education, gay rights or religious rights, environmental issues or economic development, all must be approached in balance pursuant to principles that provide an environment in which we can all participate equally.

The first step in the political process of application is for each of us to decide what we believe are eternal principles. To deny this obligation is to abandon the political debate and process to policy that pulls us apart and therein abandons our country to a setting sun.

The next generation deserves to inherit a rising sun.

My name is Marc Nuttle and this is what I believe.

What do you believe?